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Global Catalytic Ministries is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.


We’ve provided quick, easy and safe options for giving. Should you have any questions feel free to contact us via email. Be assured we greatly appreciate your time invested in consideration, prayer and commitment to the furthering the gospel though the underground church.

Frequently asked questions

What your giving

Being the Underground Church in High-Risk Areas

We reach the unreached in some of the world’s most dangerous locations valiantly accepting the charge despite known persecution.

Global Disciple-Making

Following Jesus’ teachings, we make disciples in over 48 countries, implementing His threefold commission approach.

Holistic and Intimate Approach

We create intimate moments with God, sparking global disciple-making movements.

Underground Leadership and Advanced Security

Our coaching is guided by underground leaders, using strong cybersecurity to keep communications safe and protect our field workers’ identities

Indigenous and Culturally Inclusive Methods

We work primarily with indigenous disciples, adapting Jesus’ methods to local cultures without imposing colonialist views.

Accessible Resources and Family Focus

We provide all resources and coaching for free, focusing on reaching whole families to keep households together and spiritually strong.

Reproducible and Spirit-Led Methods

Jesus’ disciple-making methods are adaptable for everyone from all backgrounds. Disciples are taught to depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Empowering Individual Growth

We train individuals to discern and obey God’s voice, fostering personal responsibility for their spiritual development.

Be a part of the disciple-making movement

Your contribution is vital to our distinctive and transformative mission of making disciples in every culture, regardless of the cost.


Grateful for
the many
reasons others
chose to

We long to be a part of what God is doing. Your work moves us deeply and we want to be a part of it since we believe God is in it all.